
How it works



Get Shopify reviews without
having to ask

Collect real customer reviews, publish the good
ones, and share the best on social media – All Automatically

14 days of premium access, on us,
fully automated set-up.


A social proof engine for shopify stores of every size

Want to build trust using social proof?
Collect reviews more efficiently do you can focus on selling more.

14 days of premium access, on us,
fully automated set-up.

See Pricing


Built to let your best customers
do the marketing for you

ZERO set-up needed

Shynr is 100% user-friendly.

You can start collecting reviews as soon as you install it.

Fully automated review collection

Get reviews, pictures, and videos from your customers without manually messaging them.

Automated replies

Thank your customer and add a personal touch without spending too much time.
You can also autoatically send rewards upon receiving a review!


Publish only your best reviews automatically
Hold off on posting bad reviews and connect with your customer privately to address their concerns

Social Sharing

Share stellar reviews on Facebook to get your customers’ attention and loyalty.

Whatsapp Integration

Connect with your customers where they’re active. Send requests to rate your products directly from whatsapp.

Request reviews from past customers

Request reviews from your previous 100 orders when you install Shynr, Free of charge.

SEO Capabilities

Give your customers an easy way to find you. Display your social proof on Google with Shynr’s automated SEO settings.

Let your brand shine

Customize your emails and your Shynr widget according to your preferences.

No hidden charges

Request reviews from your previous 100 orders when you install Shynr, Free of charge.

Integration (More coming soon!)

Give your customers an easy way to find you. Display your social proof on Google with Shynr’s automated SEO settings.

Customer Segmentation (com ing soon!)

Customize your emails and your Shynr widget according to your preferences.

Collecting social proof is tedious. We make it easy.

With Shynr, you can save countless hours on getting great reviews without slowing your site down.

14 days of premium access, on us,
fully automated set-up.

See Pricing

How it Works

An effortless way to collect Shopify reviews

Install Shynr

Get set up in just a few clicks​

Get the social proof you need

Collect reviews through familiar channels (Email & Whatsapp) and reward your customers.

Share your best reviews

Shynr auto shares the best reviews on Facebook so you can widen you reach.

Welcome new loyal customers!

Build trust with real social proof and watch more customemrs steam in.


An all-in-one Shopify review tool for fast-growing brands

Fashion & Beauty
Health, Wellness & Fitness
Luxury Goods & Jewelary
Gadgets & Eletronics
And more!

Why Shynr ?

Get reviews from real customers automatically

Go From This
Struggling to navigate social proof software because you can't figure out if they would do exactly what you needed
Setting up cumbersome automation flows by yourself
Not sure how we keep in touch with your customers after sales
Getting frustrated with hidden charges for perks & features that you need
To This
Enjoy access to a user-friendly review app for your Shopify store
Start collecting reviews without manually setting up multiple things
Create a feedback loop that your customer will love
Tailor-fil your Shynr usage with our transparent pricing plan

Because you deserve more than just a review app

Shynr is built to take the extra leg work out of getting more customer feedback so you can drive more conversions.

14 days of premium access, on us,
fully automated set-up.

See Pricing


Select the right plan for you


$0.25 per Whatsapp Message (optional)

Ideal for small business owners seeking to start expanding their customer base using social proof

Unlimited Whatsapp requests
Customize your emails & widgets
Get photo & video reviews
Auto-publish your best reviews
Moderate low rartings
Reply to reviews
Dedicated support

$0.25 per Whatsapp Message (optional)

Ideal for small business owners seeking to start expanding their customer base using social proof

Unlimited Whatsapp requests
Customize your emails & widgets
Get photo & video reviews
Auto-publish your best reviews
Moderate low rartings
Reply to reviews
Dedicated support

$0.25 per Whatsapp Message (optional)

Ideal for shopify store owners who wish to automate their review collection process

Unlimited Whatsapp requests
Customize your emails & widgets
Get photo & video reviews
Auto-publish your best reviews
Moderate low rartings
Reply to reviews
Priority*** support
Auto-reply to reviews
Auto-share reviews on facebook
Hide Shynr branding

$0.25 per Whatsapp Message (optional)

Ideal for brands looking for a more lightweight but equally feature-rich Shopify review app

Unlimited Whatsapp requests
Customize your emails & widgets
Get photo & video reviews
Auto-publish your best reviews
Moderate low rartings
Reply to reviews
Priority*** support
Auto-reply to reviews
Auto-share reviews on facebook
Hide Shynr branding

Frequently Asked Questions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Boost your Shopify sales with fully-
automated social proof

Get direct access to your happy customers, ask them for reviews,
and build a loyal customer base with Shynr

14 days of premium access, on us,
fully automated set-up.

See Pricing